
Yevis Getting Started

This document describes how to build and maintain the Yevis workflow registry.

1. Preparation of the Workflow Registry

1.1. Creation of the GitHub Repository

Prepare a GitHub Repository for distributing workflow metadata and GA4GH Tool Registry Service (TRS) API.

Use GitHub - sapporo-wes/yevis-workflow-registry-template as a template.

Click on this Link to start the creation of the GitHub repository.

Don’t forget to check the Include all branched option.


You can set and LICENSE files freely.

1.2. Setting Up the GitHub Repository

Set up the GitHub Pages site in [Settings] - [Pages] of the created repository.


Also, in [Settings] - [Actions] - [General], make sure that the workflow permissions have Read and Write access.


1.3. Generation and Placement of a Zenodo Token

Generate a Zenodo Token from this Link.

The required scopes are as follows:


Then, in [Settings] - [Secrets] - [Actions] of the created repository, register the generated token as GitHub Secrets named ZENODO_TOKEN.


2. Preparation of yevis-web

Deploy sapporo-wes/yevis-web, a web application to browse a workflow registry.

First, click on this Link to start the creation of the GitHub repository.


You can set and LICENSE files freely.

In [Settings] - [Actions] - [General], make sure that the workflow permissions have Read and Write access.


Then, execute the GitHub Actions workflow in [Actions] - [deploy-dispatch] of the created repository.

Enter the following parameters for running the workflow:


After completing the deploy-dispatch workflow, go to [Settings] - [Pages] and set up the GitHub Pages site.


After completing the deploy action for GitHub Pages, yevis-web is deployed to the GitHub Pages site.


3. Workflow Registration

Workflow registration is divided into three processes:


3.1. Workflow Submission Process

Install yevis-cli, see yevis-cli - Installation.

In this document, uses a Docker environment since using M1 Mac (the binary is only built for Linux).

$ curl -fsSL -O
$ docker compose up -d
[+] Running 2/2
 ⠿ Network yevis-network  Created                                                                   0.0s
 ⠿ Container yevis-cli     Started                                                                   0.2s
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                          COMMAND            CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
929d689b61f2   "sleep infinity"   34 seconds ago   Up 33 seconds             yevis-cli
$ docker compose exec app bash

root@929d689b61f2:/app# yevis --help
yevis 0.4.0
DDBJ(Bioinformatics and DDBJ Center)

Next, obtain a GitHub Personal Access Token for use within yevis-cli.

For instructions on creating a GitHub Personal Access Token, see GitHub Docs - Creating a personal access token.

The required scopes are as follows:


The generated GitHub Personal Access Token can be passed to yevis-cli in one of the following ways:

This time, use environment variables:


3.1.1. Describe metadata

Create a file, yevis-metadata.yml, a workflow metadata collection.

As an example of a workflow, use

Note that:

Make a template file for yevis-metadata.yml with yevis make-template as follows:

$ yevis make-template
Start yevis
Running make-template
Making a template from
Success make-template

$ ls yevis-metadata.yml

Edit the generated yevis-metadata.yml as follows:

id: be733bb3-9d9c-41af-a6e2-292751351b1e
version: 1.0.0
license: Apache-2.0
  - github_account: suecharo
    name: Due, John
    affiliation: "The University of Tokyo"
    orcid: "0000-0003-2765-0049"
  name: Yevis getting started - Download SRA
  readme: ""
    type: CWL
    version: v1.0
    - url: ""
      target: download-sra.cwl
      type: primary
    - id: test_1
        - url: ""
          target: wf_params.yml
          type: wf_params

3.1.2. Validate metadata

Validate yevis-metadata.yml with yevis validate as follows:

$ yevis validate ./yevis-metadata.yml
Start yevis
Running validate
Validating ./yevis-metadata.yml
Success validate

3.1.3. Run tests

Run tests with yevis test.

If --wes-location is not specified, yevis-cli will launch Sapporo using Docker and run the tests. Therefore, the docker command and Docker Socket must be available.

$ yevis test ./yevis-metadata.yml
Start yevis
Running validate
Validating ./yevis-metadata.yml
Success validate
Running test
Starting sapporo-service using docker_host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Stdout from docker:
Use WES location: http://yevis-sapporo-service:1122/ for testing
Test workflow_id: be733bb3-9d9c-41af-a6e2-292751351b1e, version: 1.0.0
Testing test case: test_1
WES run_id: a45f20ba-6b76-40b2-ac12-f669a2b82ce2
Complete test case: test_1
Passed all test cases in workflow_id: be733bb3-9d9c-41af-a6e2-292751351b1e, version: 1.0.0
Stopping sapporo-service
Stdout from docker:
Success test

On the Host OS, the following container is launched:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                         COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS      NAMES
ff447ea21f90          "download-sra -r ddb…"   3 seconds ago    Up 3 seconds               focused_rhodes
bc58bac48e3c   "/cwltool-in-docker.…"   49 seconds ago   Up 48 seconds              sweet_saha
51841ce5da7f     "tini -- sapporo --r…"   56 seconds ago   Up 56 seconds   1122/tcp   yevis-sapporo-service
33d426de77c7   yevis-cli:0.4.0                               "sleep infinity"         3 hours ago      Up 2 minutes               yevis-cli

3.1.4. Create Pull Request

Create a Pull Request for the Repository created in Section 1.1..

Unless passing validation and testing, cannot create a Pull Request.

$ yevis pull-request -r suecharo/yevis-getting-started ./yevis-metadata.yml
Start yevis
Running validate
Validating ./yevis-metadata.yml
Success validate
Running test
Starting sapporo-service using docker_host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Stdout from docker:
Use WES location: http://yevis-sapporo-service:1122/ for testing
Test workflow_id: be733bb3-9d9c-41af-a6e2-292751351b1e, version: 1.0.0
Testing test case: test_1
WES run_id: 057e23f9-8527-49e2-9e50-f18989ab6a82
Complete test case: test_1
Passed all test cases in workflow_id: be733bb3-9d9c-41af-a6e2-292751351b1e, version: 1.0.0
Stopping sapporo-service
Stdout from docker:
Success test
Running pull-request
Creating a pull request based on workflow_id: be733bb3-9d9c-41af-a6e2-292751351b1e, version: 1.0.0
Creating branch be733bb3-9d9c-41af-a6e2-292751351b1e
Branch be733bb3-9d9c-41af-a6e2-292751351b1e has been created
Creating pull request to suecharo/yevis-getting-started
Pull Request URL:
Success pull-request

3.2. Workflow Review Process

A workflow submitted as a pull request is automatically validated and tested by GitHub Action - yevis-publish-pr.yml.


Then, merge a pull request.

3.3. Workflow Publication Process

After merging the pull request, it will be published automatically by GitHub Action - yevis-publish-pr.yml.

Publication workflow is running:

! publish-action.png

Publication workflow is finished:

! publish-action-finished.png

Next, look at yevis-web deployed in Section 2., to browse the published workflow.




